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6 Must-Try Jamaican Dishes That Need More Recognition

It’s no secret. Jamaica is known for its rich cuisine which incorporates seasonings and spices that all contribute to a mouth-watering experience. However when we talk about Jamaican food, the first few items that usually come to mind are jerk chicken and jerk pork.  Truth is, while our jerked meals are everything people say they are, there are quite a number of staple dishes that are just as good… or even better!

Here are 7 must-try Jamaican dishes that don’t get the recognition they deserve:

1.Ackee and Corned Pork

Now, I don’t know whose decision it was to substitute salt fish for small chunks of corned pork and coupling it with the national fruit, ackee but such man (or woman) deserves recognition at an international level. 

This meal is complete with dumplings, fried or boiled and/or any ground provision of choice.  If you even prefer to have yours with a serving of rice then that’s your business baby, go right ahead! No judgements here!

Try it for yourself! Click here for recipe and tutorial!

2. Run Down

“Babyyyyy… Lemme tell you something!” Believe me when I say there is absolutely nothing ‘shabby’ about the Jamaican Run Down dish! 

This stew is made with salted codfish or mackerel, coconut milk, onions, garlic, scallions, tomatoes, and thyme. Served with two steaming cornmeal dumplings, couple seeds of soft banana and a few cuts of yellow yam? Lord, send me a surplus! 

Mackerel Rundown -

Try it for yourself! Click here for recipe and tutorial. 

3. Stamp and Go– or as locally called- Saltfish Fritters: 

This flexible snack can either be served for breakfast, lunch, appetiser or a quick Friday evening dinner! Made with flour, saltfish (salted cod) and seasonings of your choice. Crispy on the outside and soft on the inside? Tell the good ol’ Colonel that KFC isn’t the only things that’s finger licking good! 

Digicel - Fritters also called 'Stamp & Go' or 'Flittas' has always been a  favourite in Jamaican homes. Saltfish, conch, banana....what's your  favourite kind? Photo from: | Facebook

Try it for yourself! Click here for recipe and tutorial!

4. Manish Water

This is a soup made with goat head, carrots, yams, potatoes, scallions, and spices. It’s often considered a delicacy in Jamaica and can be found at any likkle nyamings or ‘get together’ including nine nights.  When the ram well renk* and the scotch bonnet well ripe, one cup just won’t do! 

Recipe Mannish Water

Try it for yourself! Click here for recipe and tutorial!

5. Blue Draws

I know Jamaicans don’t joke about consuming underwear, regardless of colour but hear me out! Yu affi* taste a blue draws! 

fi dat - Free animated GIF - PicMix

This is a dessert made with grated sweet potatoes, flour, coconut milk, spices, and sugar. It’s usually wrapped in banana leaves and boiled. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!

Jamaican Duckunoo (Blue Draws or Tie-A-Leaf)

Try it for yourself! Click here for recipe and tutorial!

6. Escovitch Fish and Bammy

 Fried fish that is marinated in a spicy vinegar-based sauce with carrots, onions, and peppers… pickled to perfection and served with a cassava base cake, called bammy. It’s a vibe!

Recipe Escoveitched Fish

Try it for yourself! Click here for recipe and  tutorial!

*Renk- foul smelling

*Affi- have to

Thanks for reading. 

Walk Good!

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Authentic Ackee and Saltfish with Fried Dumplings Recipe | Lists Jamaica
11 months ago

[…] paired with crispy, golden fried dumplings. But let’s face it, not everyone can nail that authentic Jamaican flavor. Whether you’re longing for a taste of home or eager to explore the vibrant flavors of […]

Jorge Nut
Jorge Nut
6 months ago

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