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6 natural remedies Jamaicans Use Instead of Medicine

One thing about Jamaicans, especially the older folks? They are going to recommend a home remedy for everything! As a matter of fact, ‘seeking a physician’ is usually their last resort! 

Jamaica has a rich history of traditional natural remedies that have been used for generations to treat various illnesses. 

Here are some common natural remedies that Jamaicans use for sickness:

(Disclaimer: This post was not written by a doctor.)

1. Ginger 

As a Jamaican, you’d know that the single, most popular go-to fix for almost any ailment is… you guessed it… a cup of ginger tea. 

Have a headache? Ginger tea

Feeling gassy/bloated? Ginger tea

Lost a limb? Ginger tea

I kid you not, ginger is a saviour and Jamaicans are going to stick by it!

Ginger is often used to treat nausea, vomiting, and upset stomach. It can be consumed in tea, grated and added to food, or in a juice. 

What Is Ginger and What Is It Good For?

2. Soursop

Soursop is a fruit that is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help boost the immune system. It is often consumed in juice form.

Instead of buying cold medicine like most people do when they or their children are down with the flu, Jamaicans will look you dead in the eyes and tell yuh fi go pick leaves from yuh soursop tree in the back yard fi mek tea. And guess what? It works!

Soursop - Wikipedia

3. Aloe Vera: 

Also referred to as ‘single/sinkle bible’ in Jamaica, Aloe vera is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help with digestive issues such as constipation. In local terms, ‘single bible good fi wash out*!’ 

It is also proven to be good for your hair and skin!

How to Grow Aloe Vera - Aloe Plant Care Indoors and Outside

4. Garlic: 

Like ginger, Jamaicans tend to hold this one dear and near. Garlic is often used to boost the immune system and to treat respiratory issues. It can be consumed raw, cooked, or in supplement form.

Also, have a cavity that’s been driving you nuts? According to Jamaicans, crush a peg of garlic, stuff it in and in no time, your toothache will be gone… at least for a while. 

My recommendation? Brush at least 2 times per day, rinse after each meal and remember to floss! Toothaches aint for the weak!


5. Peppermint: 

Peppermint is believed to help with digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and nausea. It can be consumed as a tea or used as an essential oil.

Struggling with gas, a tummy ache or diarrhoea? Jamaicans will tell you to ‘jus tip likkle of the peppermint oil under your tongue and in yu nable* and yu good to go!’

What Does Peppermint Essential Oil Do? – 100% PURE

6. Fevergrass (Lemongrass): 

Fevergrass is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties and may help with fever, coughs, and colds. It can be consumed as a tea or added to food.

Best believe Jamaicans are going to feed you- night and day- with a cup of fevergrass tea until your temperature regularizes! Don’t believe me? Ask the first yardie you see!

Fever grass/Lemon Grass | Island Herbs & Spices

*Wash out- detox

*Nable- navel

Thanks for reading. 

Walk Good!

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