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23 Ways To Get Ready For The Road – Jamaica Carnival 2023

The days of locking away yourself at home are behind you (hopefully). You’re vaccinated against COVID-19 and ready to experience all festivities in 2023, including the highly anticipated – Jamaica Carnival. As a matter of fact, the anticipation for the 2023 staging of Jamaica Carnival is reminiscent of its very first staging in 1990. Revellers in Jamaica and from other countries are preparing to divulge onto the sizzling streets of New Kingston and whine their feathers off, literally at Road March! Revellers in Jamaica and from other countries are preparing to divulge onto the sizzling streets of New Kingston and whine their feathers off, literally at Road March! But before you touch down, there is some prep work you’ll need to add to your agenda to guarantee a fun-filled, hassle-free time.

Here are 23 tips to get ready for carnival in Jamaica.

1.Do a physical medical check-up.

It may be an obvious must-do for you but some people, in their excitement, neglect to check up on their body before dragging it through a rigorous, action-pack, month-long celebration. And suffer with aches and pains after the loud speakers are unplugged.

2. Book hotel or flight in advance.

Some revellers do this a year in advance so they can catch on to incredible discounts.

3. Choose a carnival band.

There are five official mas bands in Jamaica – Bacchanal Jamaica, Xodus Carnival, Xaymaca Carnival, Ocho Rios Mas Band and GenXS, a new carnival set to debut in April 2023.

4. Buy a costume.

And this costume is specifically for the National Road March that takes places in Kingston. A costume is usually part of the membership package for the band you choose. Or you may choose to “jump” solo, creating your own carnival costume masterpiece. Whatever you decide, start early because costumes go very quickly.

5. Pack Jouvert clothes.

Don’t pack or wear your favourite clothes for Jouvert. They will be ruined with paint and water so choose your Jouvert outfit wisely.

6. Get a local contact.

Even if you’re a Jamaican visiting from abroad, a local contact will help you navigate affordable and convenient food stops, local
transport and medical emergency facilities.

7. Research and map out best routes.

Long lines of foot and vehicular traffic is most definitely a feature of carnival in Jamaica. Start mapping out the best
routes to get you to the party sooner and back “home” safely.

8. Get a lightweight water bottle.

It’s so important to stay hydrated but if you carry a heavy water bottle, you may just lose it while gyrating to your favourite
soca songs.

9. Stock up on energy drinks. You need them.

10. Book a makeup artist (ladies). It’s best to book the makeup artist well in advance of Road March and schedule a test session so you both can decide on the “face beat” before the big day.

11. Get a carnival fete schedule.

Almost, if not every, night leading up to Road March, a number of small parties featuring big name soca artistes are held
across the island. Get access to the schedule early so you can choose which ones you wish to attend.

12. Book local transport or rent-a-car.

This is another advance booking that will save you so much headache, especially if you are new to the island.

13. Build an itinerary of must-dos.

Yes, carnival is fun ‘cya done’ but there may be other things you’d like to do. Map out your itinerary in advance so you can
smoothly pack in all the activities, parties and people you intend to enjoy.

14. Hit the gym. Not necessarily for the “carnival bod”.

Maintaining a consistent pre-carnival exercise regime gets your heart pumping and ready for the
consistent, high-energy activities to experience during Jamaica Carnival.

15. Eat well

16. Rest well

17. Carry a fanny pack.

Preferably made of plastic, and waterproof to keep your phone and cash safe. P.S. the less valuables you carry ‘on the road, the better for you.

18. Get a waterproof, see-through phone case.

Leave the fancy, bejewelled one at home.

19. Get comfortable footwear.

Expect to spend a lot of time on your feet. Tennis shoes or sneakers are best to protect your heels.

20. Organize a road crew.

Nothing is nicer than to fete with your friends or people who happen to enjoy soca music as much as you do.

21. Identify a designated driver.

Not everyone should be mindlessly drunk after a carnival fete. Someone must be assigned the designated driver in your road
crew because there’s life after carnival.

22. Practice your whine.

For obvious reasons…

23. Learn soca songs.

So you actually shout the correct lyrics while the artistes perform on stage. You know you’re ready for carnival if you’ve checked off most or all the items on this list.

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Carnival in Jamaica 2024: 11 Must-Do Activities To Enjoy During Carnival | Lists Jamaica
11 months ago

[…] you’re up for an adventure a bit further from the Carnival buzz, the Blue Mountains offer breathtaking views and fresh, aromatic air filled with the scent of […]

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