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10 Jamaican Pickup Lines

Jamaicans are undeniably some of the funniest, most creative and witty people you may ever come across. Simply put, they were all born with the gift of gab. Don’t believe me? Check out these pick-up lines that are Jamaican men often use when checking out women. These lines are bound to strike a smile on their target’s face and yours too.

1. Baby yu cyah buck yu toe and drop inna mi life?
Translation: Baby, can’t you stub your toe and fall into my life?

2. Yu skin clean like Jesus police record
Translation: Your skin is as clean as Jesus’ police record.

3. Body full of curves like country road
Translation: Your body is as full of curves like country roads.
Explanation: Country roads in Jamaica are known to have many curves and corners.

4.“Baby mi love fi yu comin’ like corruption in a Jamaica… it cyah stop.”
Translation: Baby, my love for you is like corruption in Jamaican politics. It can’t be stopped. If you know anything about Jamaican politics, you’ll understand where this one comes from.

5. If yu sweet one more time yu ketch diabetes
Translation: If you get any sweeter than you already are, you’ll contract diabetes.

6. My girl, yuh a oxygen? Because every time mi see you mi waa breed you
Translation: My girl, are you oxygen? Because every time I see you I want to ‘breed’ you.
Explanation: In Jamaica, the word breathe is pronounced as ‘breed’ (which is the English term for mating and reproducing among animals).

7. Clean like dunce pickney book
Translation: Your skin is as clean as the book of an illiterate child.

8. Gyal mi waa pose with you like domino
Translation: Girl, I want to pose with you like dominoes. Posing is a term used in the game of dominoes.

9. Baby yuh full a body like cemetery
Translation: Baby, you’re as full of bodies as a cemetery
Explanation: In Jamaica, voluptuous women are described as being ‘full of body’.

10. Thickaz, is a Chiney man a yu fada? Because yu look Chang
Interpretation: Thick girl, is your father of Chinese descent? Because you look ‘Chang’ (strong).
Explanation: Strong is sometimes locally pronounced as ‘strang’ or ‘chang’. In this case, a relation is being made to the popular Chinese surname.

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