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5 earthquakes that hit Jamaica in the past

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On October 30, 2023, a magnitude-5.4 earthquake shook the eastern end Jamaica. It caused much panic among citizens and triggered discussions about the sudden and deadly nature of the natural disasters. Some are aware, but many people may not know that earthquakes aren’t unusual in Jamaica – with over 200 small quakes recorded in and around the beautiful island each year (info from the UWI, Mona Earthquake Unit).

This kind of activity is expected because the Caribbean – where Jamaica is located – is a seismically-active region. However, the most seismically active areas in Jamaica are the Blue Mountain block in eastern Jamaica (where the Oct 30 quake occurred) and the Montpelier-Newmarket belt in western Jamaica.

Here are some notable earthquakes that shook Jamaica in the past:

1. The 1692 Port Royal Earthquake

This devastating earthquake, estimated to be around magnitude 7.5 to 7.9, resulted in the sinking of a portion of Port Royal and caused significant damage. About 2,000 people died as a result of the earthquake which was followed by a tsunami which finished what was left of city which was known as the wickedest place on earth at the time. In the days that followed, another 3,000 people died due to injuries and disease that broke out after the disaster. It is said that this earthquake changed the shape of Jamaica after the city of Port Royal sank to the bottom of the Caribbean Sea.

2. 1907 Kingston Earthquake

The 1907 earthquake, with a magnitude of 6.5, caused widespread destruction when it struck Kingston. Fires broke out in the aftermath, compounding the damage. The earthquake led to the modernization and rebuilding of Kingston, with the construction of more earthquake-resistant structures.

3. 2008 Jamaica Earthquake

This magnitude 5.4 earthquake hit southwestern Jamaica. While the magnitude was relatively moderate, it still caused some damage and widespread shaking. The impact included structural damage to buildings, particularly in the epicentral region, but it was not as destructive as the previous historic earthquakes.

Jamaica has also experienced smaller earthquakes throughout its history. These earthquakes, while not as destructive as the major ones, can still cause damage and be felt by the local population. Here are a few examples:

4. 2003 Northeastern Jamaica Earthquake

This earthquake had a magnitude of 4.7 and was centered off the coast of northeastern Jamaica. It was widely felt in the area but did not cause significant damage. 2

A house collapsed following a 5.4 magnitude earthquake in Jamaica on Oct 31, 2023

5. 2015 Earthquake Swarm

There was a series of small earthquakes, sometimes referred to as an earthquake swarm, in western Jamaica. These earthquakes had magnitudes ranging from 4.1 to 5.1. While they caused some concern and minor structural damage, they were not as destructive as larger historical earthquakes.

Jamaica experiences small earthquakes fairly regularly due to its location near the tectonic plate boundaries. Many of these smaller earthquakes go unnoticed by the general population and do not result in damage. The country’s building codes and preparedness have been improved to mitigate the impact of such seismic events. These smaller earthquakes serve as reminders of the seismic activity in the region and highlight the importance of ongoing monitoring and preparedness efforts to ensure the safety of the population.

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