8 Jamaican Youth Making a Difference in 2024

September is Youth Month in Jamaica, a time to celebrate the energy, creativity, and resilience of the nation’s youth. This month, we recognize the exceptional young Jamaicans who are not only dreaming of a better future but actively creating it. From technology to environmental activism and mental health advocacy, these individuals are making a real […]

2024 Olympics Jamaica: Top 5 End of Week Highlights

The opening week of the 2024 Olympics has been a rollercoaster of emotions for Jamaica. From unexpected withdrawals to remarkable performances, there’s been no shortage of drama and excitement. To keep you in the loop, we’ve put together a quick rundown of the top highlights for Jamaica at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Let’s dive into […]

12 Facts About Hurricane Beryl in Jamaica

With the chaos following Hurricane Beryl, it can be challenging to stay informed about the storm’s impact and the ongoing recovery efforts. Here is a list of some important bits of information every Jamaican should know: Staying informed during these challenging times is crucial. Utilize the resources provided by reputable organizations and authorities to ensure […]

Hurricane Beryl in Jamaica: 6 Parishes Severely Affected

Top 5 Parishes in Jamaica Most Severely Affected by Hurricane Beryl While Hurricane Beryl’s impact on Jamaica was less catastrophic compared to other Caribbean regions, it still caused significant disruption. Tragically, two lives were possibly lost—a woman struck by a falling tree in Hanover and a man swept away in a gully in Kingston. The […]