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5 traumatic moments most Jamaican kids know

1. Being scoured in Dettol water to rid skin of sores caused by having too many sweets

This one is personal. I can still vividly remember being placed in that yellow bath pan, full of the pungent disinfectant and being scrubbed from head to toe as animal-like shrieks escaped my feeble, inflamed body. I mean, the sores all dried up soon after but still… there must had been another way, mummy.

2. Rushing home from school very hungry to find out that soup was for dinner

Delicious chicken foot soup with some Jamaican yams, corn, potatoes with some alberta red peas.

There’s no other way to describe it, really.

3. Being told by your angry parent that they won’t spank you

This is the reason why all Jamaicans have trust issues. When Jamaican children run away from a spanking, the moment always comes where they have to walk past their angry parent. Those wicked parents always assure you that they’ve forgotten your indiscretion and that it’s ok to walk by. Let’s just say the children always lose and end up crying.

4. Forgetting to take out the meat out the freezer to thaw in time for your parent to come home and cook it

You have never known fear if this has never happened to you in life.

5. Being thrown into the river or sea as your first swimming lesson

I don’t know what sort of influentially psychotic or miracle-seeking spirit influences this action but this is definitely something Jamaican parents (especially fathers) need to stop doing.

Thanks for reading. Walk Good!

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